i heart with all the blue m&ms in the world
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 12:15 AM
I LOVE*Food related non edible things.
Mostly earrings and keystraps, of course. I really really like things that are pretending to be food! I don't get why myself. Maybe it's because, when I don't eat, I think of eating and same thing happens vice versa. This is so COOL. Take a look at these!!

Omelette rice mobile strap!! (Looks like something I like to eat actually. YUM!)

GasPaRAGUs!!! It's Tempura!

Curry-don ( Japanese curry rice)

OmgSoCUTE! Steak, see, with corn and asparagus and carrots and everything!! =D

Fried rice in a spoon! Hahaha

Recognize that...it's Wantan Mee!!!

Spinach pasta and other Italian dishes

Gyoza, Dumpling!! *hehe*

I think this is Siew Mai (I heart!)

A PINK macaroon and cream and fruits! tres adorable and whatnot. *cries*
"i uh, really liked you, up until whr, you, uh, broke my heart."
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 11:17 PM
This song is just delightful!*Please don't mute it on my cutezy tape player? Hm, well, I'd like to think I have a great taste in music, so, lemme be delusional! =D
What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
What do you get when you kiss a guy
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, he'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you give your heart
You get it all broken up and battered
That's what you get, a heart that's shattered
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So for at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
In the Elvis Costello version of this song, "guy with a pin" is "diamond pin", and "he" is, indeed, "she".
People I will NEVER Understand (even if the ground crumbles beneath my feet and I dip into the Earth's crust all the way down to New Zealand)
Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 2:50 AM
People who dip their fried dumplings in soupHaha, this might seem like a trivial thing, but I find people who dip fried sui gao into soup funny. Duh, well, it's fried for a reason, isn't it? I mean, well, there's FRIED sui gao and SOUP sui gao and you just basically have to choose one. Does that mean people who do that are indecisive? I don't think so. Maybe they just LIKE the texture of soggy dumplings. Which are funny. And weird. Haha, then again, IF you always do this I don't think you'd find it vair unusual of course. Honestly, I don't, either, cause I do know a lot of people do that, but what I DON'T get is, why?
My hypothesis : People who dip fried dumplings in soup do so because it is too crunchy and it goes, *Crunchcrunch* when you eat them and it is also too dry without soup (?) / They do so because they do not want to dip dumplings in sauce because they do not like sauce.
[Author's note: If you ARE indeed a representation of this unique species of people, do enlighten me!!=in my C-box=Thx]
People who don't sing everyday
Maybe it's just me, but I do feel happier when I sing. Even sad songs? When you're happy, you've got the whole world laughing with you, but when you're sad, you think all the heartbreak songs in the world were written about you. You go, "Oh Yea! That DID happen!" and see? I mean, Taylor Swift's been through the same thing as you, and so did Mariah Carey but how come your pain hurts so much more? Hmm, next time you sing, think of the other people who might be sad because of you, then there's something else worth crying about more.
People who read the endings before beginnings
Say in a course of a book, the blurb says -
It would be much easier to tell this story if it were all about a chaste and perfect love between Two Children Against the World at an Extreme Time in History. But let's face it, that would be crap. Daisy is sent from New York to England to spend a summer with cousins she has never met. They are Isaac, Edmond, Osbert and Piper. And two dogs and a goat. She's never met anyone quite like them before - and, as a dreamy English summer progresses, Daisy finds herself caught in a timeless bubble. It seems like the perfect summer. But their lives are about to explode. Falling in love is just the start of it. War breaks out - a war none of them understands, or really cares about, until it lands on their doorstep. The family is separated. The perfect summer is blown apart. Daisy's life is changed forever - and the world is too.
(How I Live Now - Meg Rosoff)
Then, of course, we are propelled to read the book to find out, a) What changes Daisy's life?, b) and Why? , or course, this is exactly why I read the book - to seek a GREAT UNKNOWN. So, IF i had skipped to the back pages and known everything that happened in the book, I might not have felt the same way then if I had read the book from page 1 until the end. See, I love Daisy's naivety and how she grew as a city girl, jaded and so sure that she had seen the world until she was thrust into a different scenery, the sprawling English countryside and the all too sudden threat of war. I would not have appreciated Megg Rosoff's portrayal of Daisy and might even have hated her, had I known how the book ends.
People who have straight hair and DO NOT want curly hair
Naturally straight hair peeps SHOULD reserve the right to lust after curly hair. Doesn't it FEEL great to have a whole head of Shirley Temple curls? They're sooooooooo pretty! HAh. What about the kind of people who do not want curly hair -but rebonded hair-? As in, I fully understand that silky straight hair is nice, in a beautiful way, but what if you already have straight hair and you DO want STRAIGHT STRAIGHT hair? Well, people with wavy/curly hair are entitled to want straight hair, because well, they don't have it and you usually want most the things you can't have, which goes to say, that is the unofficial law of nature.
People who aren't spontaneous (even for a moment)
Okay, I fully comprehend that DEEP DEEP DOWN, we all like rollercoasters. Just that we have a pathological fear of them. See, they are so menacing, especially ones that are, like, the height of the heavens above, then what summons you the courage to ride them in the first place? Well, haha, for me, it's mostly spontaneity. I like spontaineity. A Chinese phillosopher once said, "People who dont plan are the BEST travellers." And, I have to say, I wholeheartedly agree. Spontaneity drives me, sometimes to do things people don't understand of me, nice things, that might make people around me happy. I guess that's why I'm always happy in the mornings! Like, Monday mornings, when I see everyone and I go "Hi!!!!! =) " and Yun will tell me - "SHANAN (in the apprehensive tone of hers), don't BE so PERKY!" rofl. No, I'm not perky. I'm spontaneously happy!
thinks of more stuff to put here, will continue!
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 6:20 AM
It's me ( Wai Yip by the name) updating our nannish yet glamorous Shanancute's blog. As we all are concerned, Shanan always give a significant, remarkable first impression to others, revealling her nerdy self. But in fact, its not her trueself, not the Shanan that she looks like to you. So let me have the honour ( not pleasure, stop your wrong thinking!) to enlighten you with who our nannny friend really is. So, dear whoever you are let's get started.1. Shanan has a distinctive taste on guys. And yes, she really is. She would fall for a guy that any other girls wouldn't even notice the existence of him. That's how it should do. Nanahs, keep it up as this is your unique characteristic you possesses which other's wouldn't have. You are not like all those shallow girls who only judge the opposite sex by their appearance. You appreciate your love and even friends for who and what they are.
2. Shanan can eat a lot. Say you have twenty dozen of doughnuts in your fridge and you have to finish it all by yourself, guess how long would you need to finish them. A week or two or even more? If it's our nanny here, it would only take her less than a day to finish it. I'm not kidding here but she is a girl that is capable of anything ( akmost everything).
3. Shanan is a mizer? No, you are totally not a meany mizer nor a stingy cheapskate. Believe me, Shanan is a friend a friend who is always ready to share anything with the others.
4. Shanan is totally kissable. I've never try it before but i apparently do know it. She always had her lip gloss on everyday, applying at least three times a day.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 5:54 AM
It's the whole glaciosity thing that's getting me down. I HAD a right to be wrong about you. =)Songs from way back when!! (with a twist)
Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 6:43 AM
Because i love being half-Thai (and Malaysian), i'm posting a couple of Thai songs that I like, and you, enjoy. (Oh, and read the subs!) =)Endorphine - Sing Sum Kun (The Important Thing)
It's quite an old song, but i still love it cause of it's deep deep thoughtfulness.
Peacemaker - Ruang Bon Tieng (Stories in Bed)
It was released about five years ago and seriously, the song has got zero to do with the title. I guess, it's cause the protagonist is supposed to be daydreaming in his bed, which is why it's titled that way. Hmm? I love the song though (sometimes, I hum it) =)
Well hooked on tweet (sweet!)
Thursday, May 14, 2009 @ 7:07 AM
I'm a Twitterer, i tweet(v)!Join me, le Duh! www.twitter.com/shanancute
Shanancute's so on twitter, she's twitting and you should be too.
("Hesus Christi, you have not lived!")
Have changed my blog musique to a rare girls aloud track that won Best Single of The Year at a Brit award. It's called The Promise and is v v v catchy. Yup, hope we'll be singing that one in class soon.
*Have also come up with more oldies to sing, MUAHAHA. All because le moi is avoiding David Archuleta the so uber cute, well kinda but so so soooooooooooo sick of his Not Too Over You. I am OVER him, get it =) hahhahaha..no, sorry, Mongzie, I, Shanan, will not rant about Arrrrrrrchie now. Ish.
List of yummy oldies to sing
- 2 Become 1 - Spice Girls
- I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
- Heaven Is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
- How Do I Live Without You? - LeAnn Rimes
- Desperado - Linda Ronstadt
- Something Stupid - Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman
- When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating
- Angels - Robbie Williams
- Better Man - Robbie Williams
- What Hurts The Most - Rascal Flats
- Sorry - Buckcherry
- Everything - Michael Buble
- She's The One - Robbie Williams
- I Try - Macy Gray
- Right To Be Wrong - Joss Stone
- A Love That Will Last - Renee Olstead
- Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
- I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders (which BTW is going to be my blog music next week)
- You To Me Are Everything - The Real Thing
- Pieces Don't Fit Anymore - James Morrison
- Let It Be - Beatles
- Top Of the World - The Carpenters
Tell me if you have any suggestions! x0x0
"I believe you, so don't even ask."
I'm having Post-Birthday Disorder/Birthday Withdrawal Syndrome.
Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 7:55 AM
Sometimes, life just gives you lemons and expects you to make lemon slurpee. One of the first few things I learnt when I turned the big ONE-FIVETH is that my friends will be the lemon slurpee rain on my beautiful life. =)We make strawberry martinis explode
We sing oldies in class We trash my room in our pjs We lie about the sofa scaring ourselves with horrors We fall down stairs together
We sing "happy birthday" until we mentally reel at the thought of doing it again
We throw pillows and dance around the room
We pretend to be princesses and devils
We get addicted to chips
We eat chocolate like there's no tomorrow
We jump around with plushies
We talk till four in the morning
We fall asleep during Bridget Jones
We watched 4 movies that night/morning
We spy on semi-cute waiters
We curl around on chairs
We randomly use hair curlers
We destroy the slurpee machine in 7Eleven
We have a sugar rush
We sleep like logs
We wake up to "Starstruck" - twice
We raid the fridge for late-night tiramisu
We gobble up pizza
We like Cheesy Onion Garlic Rings, whatchamacallit
We're like the Ace Gang stalking the SG
We stomp on orange bean bags
I had one of the best birthdays ever,
Thank you!
It's one moment I will remember forever, even if true love and all feelings can't be expressed in a single moment, I believe they do, and I'm not lying to myself either.
*ps. i will upload the pics when im free! >.<
On to yummy things, literally,
So, I watched BRIDE WARS the other night, and I was so so so EXCITED, brought not on by the Vera Wang dresses, 7-tier cake, the gasparagus wedding at the plaza or Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson, but my heart pounded and something just went BOOM! when I watched this scene for the first time. So, Kate Hudson's character, Olivia, attempts to button up the back of a Vera Wang, but fails to squeeze herself into it. Then, she screams in hysteria, "YOU DONT ALTER A VERA!!! YOU ALTER YOURSELF TO FIT A VERA!!!! God, what do boys learn in school???" She tells her fiancee that this hullabaloo is all HIS fault for sending her treats.
Like the toffee tray, the jolly wallis cookie bouquet, the
and so her fiancee asks, "The International Butter Club? You mean you've been sitting around eating sticks of butter from different lands?" rofl. I couldn't wrap my head round that quote long enough, so I googled it, and
GUESS WHAT??? (cue outrage)
It doesn't even exist!!!! Why why why? Does this not mean that the Jolly Wallis Cookie Bouquet doesn't exist as well?
Save me! =)
I googled yummy things, and here they are -
(before that, just wanna show ya some stuff from the Singaporean blogger foodsite, www.sparklette.com, all pics credit to Veron. p.s. Cannot believe the charm bracelets came from a shopping centre i went to in Bangkok. And i MISSED them. Fake food ice-cream in the first pic is from a dessert place in Singapore.)

- All cupcakes below are from CupcakesTakeTheCake, take a look! -

Here's a local cupcakerie, CUPPACAKES by +wondermilk, which has fairy cakes So SO SOOOOOOO cute u just wanna snog them! x0x0