Hiyahh from over here =)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 7:37 AM
Hi babes,Long time no see. Well, it just feels like ages, to you, I suppose? I've been having a brilliant time here! Looks like you guys think I'm invisible though, rite? Haha. No souvenirs for you then. Just kidding!!! =)
No time to blog much..it's late and I'm getting bleary, wanting to wake up early tomorrow to catch some delicious breakfast^^
love u lots x0x0 shan
How adorable!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 8:00 AM
Just found this -
So wondrously C.U.T.E. It's two gummy bears, see, in an embrace! Haha.
We need more love in this world.
What did I do today?
@ 5:50 AM
Well. The most notable thing would be..that I won two games of Chor Tai Di!!!! And....here's the best part...We used actual playing cards! Not UNO, because we usually do. Hahahaha!!!! Brilliant! Anyways, apart from the fact that I was still playing with them even though we got caught yesterday makes me some sort of juvenile delinquent, I guess. (Ooh~) Well, not that extreme. Haha. Play with fire and you get burnt...The thing is, I didn't think I'd enjoy the game so much because I just started playing two weeks ago and I wasn't THAT good...(Well, what did you expect from someone who colour-coded the deck when she started)...It's not that funny, mind you. Yes, Yun, Ah Moi and Yip - I can see your sniggers from here." Yun, you have some parsley in your teeth, btw."
No, I was totally joking.
Whee - adrenaline rush!
James Bond made me thrilled.
Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 6:31 AM
Whee.Went to watch James Bond 007 -Quantum of Solace yesterday! It was Awwwwesommmmmeeee! Then again, it's supposed to be. Haha. No, seriously. It starts with James (for I will call him that instead of "Bond", it sounds too...err, theatrical for an a spy and by that I mean FLAMBOYANT, feathered-boa-style individualistic)
[Dont read this if you are going to watch it! Read it if you DON'T and tell me if you feel like watching it. Haha. - No, seriously. It just kills the fun. So skip those sentences.]
ramming his sleek, shiny, expensive automobile into a few others at 350 km/h in a tunnel. Some bullet-firing, thrilling soundtrack and beautiful scenery later (after they emerge from the tunnel, of course) James finally arrives at the Mi6 headquarters in Sienna, Italy...and so on and so forth.
[End of Spoiler]
Anyways, I hope you do watch it. It's a good movie, nothing too gory. Sigh. Plenty scenes got censored, obviously. Anyways, we all watch it, right? Who never wanted to be a spy when they were a kid? On the bright side, the censorship board probably didn't want to be dream-busters. Or dream squashers, however you prefer it. =)
P.s. Daniel Craig's in it by the way!

P.p.s. James Bond is a cruel cold blooded killer, a terrible friend and also "horribly efficient" enough to think that it's a compliment.
P.p.p.s Keep a look out for Agent Fields' full name in the credits. Brilliant!
Big Day Out -
Thursday, November 6, 2008 @ 6:59 AM
A week to the end of Form3 and all of us students have been really jittery...I don't know, it's like we haven't caused enough trouble for the Uppers already. Haha. So 2 "educational" field trips have been organised. One to the Parliment and another to Beryl's Chocolate Factory. As for which I ended up going on...Choice #1. (I didn't plan anything, but it was fun) Let's have a look -Hiya!
@ 5:34 AM
Welcome to my blog!This is Shanancute - you should know me, that's why you're reading this, right? Then, I guess I don't exactly have to elaborate, because you'd know me as this BLOG thing progresses anyways.
Will try to update when able to,